⏱🌞 Market Minute 🌞⏱ πŸ“ˆ

Hidden Valley Lake Market Snapshot as of, 05/01/2024:

⚑ 41 Active Homes
⚑ 15 Under Contract
⚑ 12 Closed in the Last 30 Days

🎯 HOMEOWNERS: Do you know the value of your home? Now is the time we should meet to start discussing options! Feel Free to Reach out! πŸ‘πŸ™Œ

🎯 HOME BUYERS: Are you ready to purchase a new home? The perfect one is out there and I want to help you find it! Reach out and let’s get the process started! From finding the right lender to touring homes.. Your dream of homeownership is just around the corner!

Reach out to Hidden Valley Lake’s #1 Realtor for any of your real estate needs πŸ’―

πŸ“± 707.295.8088
πŸ“§ Faylen.Silva@Gmail.com
Visit ➑️ www.LiveInLakeCounty.com

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